Do the Strawhats Meet Vivi Again

  • #1

what it says.. [also adding Jinbei for the lulz]
EDIT: planned to add a poll but didn't work for some weird reason..

Chopper (:LOS)
Usopp (must be)

Non Virgins:
Brook (the dude is above 90)
Franky (he had like 2 chicks digging him)
Sanji (most likely)
Robin (wouldn't make sense imo for a 30+ hawwt chick to be a virgin)
Jinbei (there are plenty of fish in the sea:maybe)

Nami (lived with a bunch of fishguys for decades)
Luffy (2 years on an island with over 9000 hawwt chicks)
Zoro (not sure)

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  • #3

Robin and Nami have obviosly fucked at least once. Robin had to do it to survive and Nami probably got raped by Arlong and his gang. Plus she's a slut. I bet she sucked some people for money.



Οhara Library Mοderator

  • #6

All exept Sogeking, he be pimpin bitches'!

  • #7

Beside Brook and Franky,all of them.

  • #8

Robin, Franky, Jinbe, and Brook probably aren't virgins. The rest seem either too young or just not interested, they were caught up with other things before they joined Luffy after all.

Luffy (2 years on an island with over 9000 hawwt chicks)

:rotfl He's too naive to do anything but party with them.

  • #9

Luffy (2 years on an island with over 9000 hawwt chicks)

:giogio you mean Rayleigh and a bunch of animals ?

IMO only Jinbei, Brook, Franky and Robin could've had some :maybe

  • #12

Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Zoro and Sanji. Possibly Nami.

  • #13

Easier to list the non virgins.

Robin. As has been seen already she had to do a lot of questionable things simply to survive and to hide from the WG. People probably used that fact to exploit her and she may have been forced to do things for protection.

Brooke. Been around for ages and enjoyed his wild parties with the Rumbar pirates.

Franky. The guy also likes to celebrate.

Nami is a 50/50. I don't think she got up to anything pre meeting Luffy - she was far to concerned with trying to free her island from the terror of Arlong and his crew but there's no doubt she's become a lot more slutty now and is prepared to almost do anything for money or if it's to her advantage. Who's knows what she got up to with the old men in the weather island.

  • #15

Chopper x Bepo OTP :noworries

  • #17

Funny question.

Luffy: too naive which is a shame. He is a rubberman so he could probably do all sorts of shit in bed.
Sanji: he was at Baratie for most of his life, and was a little kid before that.
Zoro: not interested.
Chopper: pretty obvious.
Usopp: also very obvious.
Nami: probably, unless Arlong's crew had their way with her. I don't imagine they did though.

Franky, Brook and Robin? Doubt it.

  • #18

You already know Brook and Franky aren't. :datass

That might be it apart from Robin, and maybe Sanji, but that's it. Definitely not Luffy, he's too good-willed. Didn't even pop a boner when seeing Hancock naked. Luffy's such a pimp. :pimp

  • #21

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  • #25

I just don't find it likely for anyone of them to have had sex.

Luffy is asexual as seen with Hancock.
Zoro doesn't give one shit about women either.
Sanji wants it too much to think that he ever went there.
Franky is a cyborg, doubt that is attractive.
Robin assasinated people to live so using her body in a sexual way is not a weird thing to do.
Brook was on his boat being kind of dead for 50 years, he might have had sex, but he seems to act like Sanji a little too much.
Chopper is a fucking reindeer, definite no.
Usopp wouldn't betray Kaya and he hasn't done anythign to her either.
Nami isn't interested in men, but she did things like showing her body, sex isn't that far away.

So out of those the only possible ones are Robin, Brook and Nami.

  • #26

I think Sanji could be a raging virgin who wants it so bad.

He can't pull girls like Brook can.

  • #27

Luffy - No, he is an infant mentally
Zoro - At first I was going to definately say no, he seems to driven, however he is a heavy drinker, it's possible.
Nami - Doubtful she's got laid, she has a superiority complex, she wouldn't fuck anyone, and no-one she'd deem good enough has crossed her path. Wouldn't be surprised if she'd given head to get...ahead
Robin - Likely a sausage wallet, passed around like soap.
Chopper - awwww no
Ussop - Never
Sanji - Unlikely, his behaviour around women is indicative of a lack of experience, that or he gets excited too quickly...
Brooke - Dunno, probably, he's an adult after all, whole lotta years unaccounted for, doubt he was a vestal virgin.
Franky - He has charisma, I can see him having got some.
Vivi - No, she's a princess likely watched 24/7 she's probably a marriage then nooky type gal.

Potential crew members
Jinbei - Of course, a charismatic, hero of his species, likely got it by the bucket load.

Samurai - Well yeah he has a kid


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